【自宅学習/中2英語 宿題】






I go to school.



Do you go to school?



Yes, I do.       / No, I don't.

〔はい、行きます。〕 〔いいえ、行きません。〕



I go to the museum.



Do you go to museum?



Yes, I do.       / No, I don't.




I go there.



Do you go there?



Yes, I do.       / No, I don't.






I listen to music.



Do you listen to music on your cell phone?



Yes, I do.       / No, I don't.




She listens to music.



Does she listen to music?



Yes, she does.       / No, she doesn't.




 cell phone、cellular phone、handy phone、

 hand phone、mobile phone、smartphone など





I look at the picture.



Do you look at the picture?



Yes, I do.       / No, I don't.




He looks for the key.



Does he look for the key?



Yes, he does.       / No, he doesn't.





I live in Tokyo.



Do you live in Tokyo?



Yes, I do.       / No, I don't.



Does he live in Tokyo?



Yes, he does.      / No, he doesn't.








T E L 03-5876-5586


受 付 日  月曜日~土曜日



 *月~金 15:30~21:20

   (土のみ 15:00~20:20)  









